How to Prepare For MRCP in India - Complete Guidelines with Study Materials
MRCP (Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians) is a postgraduate medical qualification in the United Kingdom. It has nowadays been the shortest way to a Successful career in medicine around the world, especially in the countries of the Indian subcontinent.
For MRCP degree, a Doctor needs to pass 3 steps:
MRCP - Part 1:
1. First step of the exam.
1. After passing Part 1, a Doctor can give the 2nd part exam.
2. Assess the ability of making appropriate decisions for the patient.
1. It is a clinical exam, Patient oriented exam.
Eligibility Criteria For MRCP:
1. MBBS degree
MRCP Exam Centres in India
For MRCP Part 1:
1. Chennai
2. Hyderabad
3. Kerala
4. Kolkata
5. Mumbai
6. New Delhi
For MRCP Part 2:
1. Chennai
2. Hyderabad
3. Kerala
4. Kolkata
5. Mumbai
6. New Delhi
1. Bengaluru
2. Chennai
3. Hyderabad
4. Kochi
5. Kolkata
6. New Delhi
7. Pondicherry
8. Pune
9. Thiruvananthapuram
MRCP Preparation Process
The journey of getting this prestigious degree is tough no doubt. But effective preparation, guidelines can help a Doctor to get MRCP degree in his/her 1st attempt.
Introduce SsAcademy International
SsAcademy International has conducted MRCP courses by World Famous Doctor, Dr Sumanta Kumer Saha since 2009, and trained more than 20,000+ Doctors all over the world. Here a proper guideline which is very much needed for preparation of exam is given in a very charismatic ways.
Dr Sumanta Sir gives some Ss boxes and these help a Doctor understand the things in a very easy way. Also by memorizing the boxes, a Doctor can easily apply his/her knowledge while answering questions in the exam hall.
As during exams, time management is one of the most necessary parts, Our mentor, Dr Sumanta sir provides some Tips & tricks for the best approach to questions. Thus, being trained from SsAcademy International, A Doctor can easily complete his/her exams confidently.
In SsAcademy International, mock tests are taken after completing each system. Thus, a Doctor has the practice of giving exams and also gather the idea of his/her preparation.
Group discussion is a must. Being a part of SsAcademy International, a Doctor will always attach with the Mentor and other examinees through group till completing the full MRCP. It will give continuous motivation to the examinees.
SsAcademy International offers two types of courses:
1. Regular International Live Preparation (via Zoom or Face-to-Face)
2. Pre-recorded [Studio-Filmed] Online Course
3. Please visit for more details.
MRCP Preparation Books and Question Bank
There are lots of books and question bank around the world which help you to take preparation for MRCP UK exam.
But SsAcademy International provides the best MRCP preparatory guide in the form of Books, which are regularly updated and covered everything related to MRCP.
SsAcademy International also provides some books that will help a Doctor to revise quickly before exam.
SsAcademy International has their own Question bank for candidates which covers almost 5500+ questions that will be enough for a Doctor being prepared for exam.
SsAcademy International will always be ready to help each and every Doctors all over the World in every possible way for getting the Most Glorious Degree - MRCP in 1st attempt. We are always here to Serve you. Best of Luck!!
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