MRCPI (IRELAND) General Medicine

MRCPI is now recognized by GMC (General Medical Council) of the UK that does mean that doing MRCPI (Ireland) is equivalent to MRCP (UK). In a nutshell, MRCP (Ireland) is EASIER to prepare, HIGER SUCCESS RATE in PASS, SHORTER time to finish the full MRCPI.

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MRCPI (Ireland) General Medicine - PART 1
MRCPI is now recognized by GMC (General Medical Council) of the UK that does mean that doing MRCPI (Ireland) is equivalent to MRCP (UK). In a nutshell, MRCP (Ireland) is EASIER to prepare, HIGER SUCCESS RATE in PASS, SHORTER time to finish the full MRCPI. Considering all the convenient factors, doctors nowadays consider MRCP (Ireland) as their career.
  • 160+ hours Unique Video Lectures
  • 35+ Modules
  • 1000+ Hot & Important Topics Discussed
  • Complete Lecture Notes 3500+ Pages
  •  A Full Set of Questions Bank
  • SBA 5500 Ans, Explanations & Notes
  • Mock Test in Every Modules
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MRCPI (Ireland) General Medicine - PART 2
MRCPI is now recognized by GMC (General Medical Council) of the UK that does mean that doing MRCPI (Ireland) is equivalent to MRCP (UK). In a nutshell, MRCP (Ireland) is EASIER to prepare, HIGER SUCCESS RATE in PASS, SHORTER time to finish the full MRCPI. Considering all the convenient factors, doctors nowadays consider MRCP (Ireland) as their career.
  • 160+ hours Unique Video Lectures
  • 35+ Modules
  • 1000+ Hot & Important Topics Discussed
  • Complete Lecture Notes 3500+ Pages
  •  A Full Set of Questions Bank
  • SBA 5500 Ans, Explanations & Notes
  • Mock Test in Every Modules
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MRCPI (Ireland) General Medicine
Part II - Clinical
First time in the World and Best Course for MRCPI (Ireland) Part 2 Clinical. Accelerate your future. Learn anytime, anywhere with Studio Filmed Video Lectures.
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500+ Hours Lectures, 5000+ Important topics
Questions & Explanation
 1000+ Notes, 1000+ Questions & Explanations
1000+ Ss Boxes, 1000+ Ss-Tips & Tricks
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